Tools Coaching

Life Coaching

I am a certified Life Coach. I am a Tools Practitioner and practice the Tools as developed by Phil Stutz and Barry Michaels. I help people effect change in their lives. If the issue is personal or professional, I can help you alter your situation. My approach is practical, results-oriented and goal-driven. I help clients identify obstacles and come up with solutions. I assist clients in understanding misconceptions that result in holding them back from being their best selves. I help people discover the clarity, self-confidence and agility to realize their goals, fulfill their dreams and live happier more authentically integrated lives. Over the past 25 years, I have delved deeply into several modalities including psycho-spiritual development with the Center for Intentional Living (CIL), an integrative approach to healing and wholeness.  I also received a certificate in interpersonal training from the Pathwork Center’s 50-50 Training School where the helper learns how to guide clients to self-awareness by dissolving self-defeating patterns.


I am a Certified Intervention Professional (CIP) license # 10269. I am a Certified ARISE® Interventionist (CAI). ARISE® is an Evidenced-based, manual driven method of Intervention. ARISE® has the highest rates of success of all methods of Intervention. ARISE® is an invitational as opposed to confrontational approach to Intervention. The ARISE® method has the highest success rates of all intervention modalities. Intervention DOES NOT always require admission to an institution such as a rehab. Often, through weekly family meetings, real progress can be achieved without institutionalization. Sometimes detox and rehab are absolutely what is needed and should that be the case I can help facilitate that. Family involvement increases success rates. As each situation and family is unique, I adopt an approach that I ascertain will result in the best outcome for the individual and their family. This tact is fluid and changes over time.

Recovery Coaching

I work with adults from all walks of life.

My certifications in Recovery Coaching  include Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling and Food. I frequently work with individuals who have been traumatized by and are survivors of sexual abuse. I also work with online addictions including video gaming, sex and porn addiction. Recovery Coaching is not sponsorship as found in the 12-step programs. Sponsors guide their sponsees through the 12 steps and traditions of AA. Whereas 12 step programs are often extremely helpful, Recovery Coaching is not limited to 12-step program structures and precepts nor does it adhere to any prescribed program. Coaching goes beyond the sponsor/sponsee relationship. Coaching is a deeper level of work. Coaching is about challenging and working collaboratively with the client to get unstuck and make lifestyle changes which will improve their quality of life.

Coaching is often similar to therapy, however it utilizes a more action and goal oriented approach. Coaching should not take the place of working with a therapist, psychiatrist or physician. I encourage my clients to continue any professional relationships with mental health and health professionals and continue taking medication as prescribed by their physician during the coaching process. With prior written consent, I often collaborate with my clients' practitioners building a coordinated, team effort. If they desire and do not currently have a therapist, I know many talented therapists to whom I make referrals.