"I have known Ron Frank for many years. He's what I call a "spiritual warrior": he walks tall in the world with an open heart. He is a strong advocate; he holds people's feet to the fire; and he does it all with love. He has used his own struggles to develop wisdom and compassion. I recommend his coaching and his addiction work--for individuals and families."
-Elizabeth Lesser, author and co-founder of Omega Institute

"One day my sister arrived at my home, having left an inadequate rehab facility, not yet fully detoxed from a poisonous stew of opioids and stimulants.  She was jittery and unfocused, with no clear plan for a next step toward sobriety.  I was unprepared, scared and overwhelmed. Thankfully, I'd recently heard about Ron Frank's work as a recovery coach, and I contacted him.  It was the best call I could have made.

I deeply love my sister but when she is in the throes of addiction she becomes a stranger -- vacant, erratic, incoherent and untrustworthy.  To complicate things, her boyfriend and her daughter, who don't get along with each other, both showed up the next day. So Ron stepped into an extremely volatile situation.  Over a long, tense and depleting five days, Ron was constantly on call for us.  He sorted through the competing agendas, calming my sister and getting her to AA/NA meetings, while also working with the rest of us, individually and as a family.  Together we sorted through available options for further detox and rehab, and by the end he'd helped us locate a superb facility and get my sister transported and admitted. When I visited her there several weeks later, the sister I know and adore was back, and more committed to her sobriety than she'd been in years.  I know it's the beginning of a very long journey, but it's also the most extraordinary gift.

Ron was indispensable -- he is calm, clear, firm, perceptive and grounded.  Not only did he play a key role in saving my sister, he also saved me.  I honestly don't know how I could have made it through those days without his support. There are times when love and longing to help are just not enough.  Times when it takes expertise, compassion and the ability to be the calm center in the storm.  That is Ron Frank. Thank God for him!" 
-Patricia B

“As a single mother in recovery from alcoholism, for what seems like a lifetime, I have faced many challenges raising my children and step-children in the world’s arena. After suffering the tragic suicide of one of our closest friends, our entire family structure fractured and spiraled into states of loneliness, addiction, resistance to living, self-delusion and dangerous levels of dishonesty. Communication was nonexistent and I had lost the helm. 

I contacted Ron for help. I had known him through my own recovery over twenty years ago. He immediately gained insight into the darkest corners of our family structure and guided me through the many stages of re-righting the ballast. Beginning stages of recovery are often critical and require an incredible amount of acute awareness and attention. Ron committed himself to 24-hour vigilance and subsequent months of family support. As some of the children returned to school, even in foreign countries, Ron has continued to counsel us as a unit for an hour every week through these past months, guiding each member of my rather large family into safe, harmonious, loving, openly communicative, and therapeutic grounds. 

My many children, and I, have become a stronger, more unified, resilient, healthier, hopeful and powerful family than I could have ever dreamed or imagined possible, thanks to Ron Frank and his wisdom, guidance and love. I would recommend his professional work to any family - addictions notwithstanding - to obtain a healthier and clearer level of love and communication leading to a happier and healthier life.”

- Dr. KR, a mother of many beautiful souls 

“Ron has years of training as a helper and coach, in a variety of disciplines, buttressed by deep reserves of natural empathy and deep reserves of common sense. He is very much grounded in the real world, in part because of his background in business, but also because his natural disposition is practical and flexible. In my more than half a century on this earth, no other professional has ever offered me such consistent, steady, wise, and perceptive support.”
- Tom F.

"I was in the middle of a difficult situation when Ron stepped in as a mentor. He knew precisely what I needed and provided it when those around me from psychologists to psychiatrists to family to friends to lawyers had failed for years to understand how they could help, despite their good intentions and big hearts. And here's the second thing about Ron that's amazing: what he offered me - the substance of his advice - was more helpful to me on a pragmatic level than the decades of therapy I'd experienced." 
- Meredith P.